From Vision to Victory: How we Secured the Ultimate Property & IT Manager for Outer Temple Chambers


Outer Temple Chambers sought a Property & IT Manager to oversee their property, facilities, IT, and support services. The role demanded a candidate with exceptional organisational skills, strategic insight, and the ability to maintain high standards in a fast-paced legal environment. The primary responsibilities included managing Chambers' premises, IT infrastructure, cost management, and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. The role also required liaising with various stakeholders, including landlords, managing agents, and service providers, to provide a seamless experience for clients, barristers, and staff.

The Challenge

We faced the challenge of finding a candidate who could seamlessly integrate into the unique environment of Outer Temple Chambers and fulfill a broad range of duties effectively. The ideal candidate needed to:

• Advise on strategic property management to maximise efficiency and cost savings.

• Oversee the maintenance, presentation, and operational aspects of Chambers' premises.

• Manage IT and telephony services to support all members and staff.

• Conduct effective negotiations with landlords and service providers.

• Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and manage related documentation.

• Provide exceptional support services, demonstrating a proactive and solutions-oriented approach.

The Results

The appointment of the new Property & IT Manager led to significant improvements for Outer Temple Chambers:

• Improved Efficiency: Strategic management and optimisation of property and IT resources.

• Cost Savings: Successful negotiations and cost-effective management resulted in significant savings.

• Enhanced Client Experience: High standards of maintenance and presentation improved client and member satisfaction.

• Seamless Operations: Robust IT and support services facilitated smooth day-to-day operations.