February 5, 2024
Analysis & Commentary

It's National Sickie Day - Here's 20 ridiculous excuses people have used to call in sick for work.

February 5, 2024
Analysis & Commentary
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It's the first Monday of February which is actually National Sickie Day. We've scoured the internet to find some of the funniest and most ridiculous excuses real employees have used to call in sick for work, here are 20 of our favourites...

1. I have a new puppy and I need to play with him.
2. A chicken attacked my mother
3. I was really sick tomorrow
4. A fox stole my car keys
5. I accidentally got on a plane
6. I climbed a tree to help a cat and now I’m stuck
7. My cat has hiccups and I can’t leave her
8. I can’t decide what to wear
9. I saw a UFO and I had to stop and observe it
10. I ate cat foot instead of tuna and now I’m ill
11. My false teeth flew out of the window when driving down the motorway
12. I set my uniform on fire drying it in the microwave
13. I injured my back chasing a beaver
14. I accidentally drove to my old workplace
15. The pizza I ordered hasn’t arrived
16. I poked myself in the eye with a hairbrush
17. I have a peg stuck on my tongue
18. My car is full of flour
19. I’m stuck under the bed
20. I was on the sunbed too long and I have sunstroke